At Roecliffe, we are committed to supporting children in developing positive outlooks on health (both mental and physical) and well being.
We have a supportive and caring ethos and our approach is respectful and kind, where each individual and contribution is valued. We endeavour to ensure that children are able to manage times of change and stress and aim to ensure that they are supported to reach their potential or to access help when they need it.
Wellbeing Ambassadors
Our Wellbeing Ambassadors promote the importance of healthy eating and physical activity in order to maintain good health throughout our lives and lead the promotion and development of positive mental health at our school. Our Wellbeing Ambassadors work with Phunky Foods to lead whole school events such as poster competitions, providing information in Collective Worships and leading parent/pupil healthy eating workshops.
Here are our Wellbeing Ambassadors-

These children are looking to improve the health and wellbeing of children at Roecliffe and are working with Beth from Funky Food to run competitions and improve the understanding of how to stay fit and healthy.
Health and Well-being day at Roecliffe
We enjoyed our dance sessions with Holly ( Mind-Body-Dance), meditation and yoga with Mrs Barrett and learnng about how to keep our brains positive with Helen who is a psychiatrist.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Links
Here are few organisation that might be useful.
Active School
The government suggest that all children are active for at least 60 minutes every day and we work hard to make this possible. This is even more important when evidence shows that Yorkshire is above the national average for obesity when the children are measured in Reception and year 6.
Our school collaborates with North Yorkshire Sport to further develop aspects of our active learning approach in our everyday teaching.
We believe that children are active beings and that by modifying our teaching to create active learning, the pupils at our school will benefit from the opportunities to improve their critical thinking skills and their retention and transfer of new knowledge and skills.
Active learning also increases children’s motivation for learning and provides opportunities for them to develop and apply interpersonal skills.