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Religious Education

Roecliffe CE Primary RE Long Term Plan

Our aims

  • The children at Roecliffe C. of E. Primary School will be encouraged to explore their own beliefs, values and traditions and those of others in meaningful and engaging ways.
  • We hope to encourage pupils to share their diverse range of experiences and grow individually and together with sensitivity and respect towards people of all faiths and none.
  • We hope to enable all pupils to consider the impact of people’s beliefs on how they choose to lead their lives.
  • We aim to create an appreciation of diversity, to promote shared values and to challenge racism and discrimination.
  • As a Church of England School we foster strong links with our local community. We are also teaching about the wider region, the UK and world around us.
  • We hope to develop an understanding of and respect for others and achieve a level of critical awareness that helps the children to become builders and shapers in the future.

Collective Worship in the school takes place in the context of whole school assemblies. These help to develop the spiritual, moral and cultural aspects of our pupils and promote Christian values and a caring ethos. They also allow for times of reflection and prayer. We have special links to St Mary’s Church in Roecliffe village where services like Harvest Festival and Christmas carols take place.

RE is a statutory requirement from Reception to Year Six. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from part or all of the RE lesson.



RE is taught as a discrete subject. Pupils are welcomed from any religious faith or none, and will find their opinions respected and valued.


Early Years Foundation Stage

At this stage R.E. is incorporated within the areas of personal, social and emotional development and knowledge of the world. The children are encouraged to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others and to learn how to form positive and respectful relationships. They are encouraged to think about their own community and their place within this. They will be given the opportunity to develop their emerging moral and cultural awareness.